Therapist Site Toolbox

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6 Reasons Why Your Private Practice Website Isn't Converting

Your website is your most valuable marketing asset, but are you using it to its fullest potential?

There are strategic things you can do to your site to increase conversions.

Does your site have these six problems?

01. You Don't Have Strategic CTAs

CTA stands for Call-to-Action. They are elements on your site that encourage your site visitor to take that next step with you. CTAs are action-focused and utilize copy with action words like "Schedule," "Book," or "Download."

Strategic CTAs help guide your site visitor through the journey of whatever that next step with you may be, whether it's booking an appointment or scheduling a free consultation. Your CTAs should be added intentionally to areas of your site that are relevant.

CTAs should grab attention on your site. Combine elements that match your branding, such as brand colors and fonts, but make sure your CTA pops out from the rest of the page.

Popular CTAs are buttons or images that link to the desired page.

02. It's Unclear Who You're Serving

When a potential client comes to your site, they want to know first and foremost if you're a good fit for them. Searching for a therapist can be a stressful and emotionally exhausting experience for your potential client. Making a site visitor dig through 5 different pages on your site to find out who you serve doesn't make for a good user experience.

Instead, you should put who you serve in a large header font above the fold on your homepage. The content that appears above the fold on your website is the first thing your site visitor sees when they load your homepage. This lets your site visitor know within seconds of landing on your page if they're in the right place or not.

Why a large header font, like H1 or H2? Because Google recognizes the header font as explaining the content of the page, so it will boost your SEO (Search Engine Optimizing), helping your website rank higher in search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

03. Your Copy Isn't Connecting

Your website isn't about you, it's about your potential client. That may seem like a weird concept, but it's similar to how you build your therapeutic relationship with clients in session. You hold space for them, validate their struggles, and provide support. Your website should be doing all of these things too.

By writing words that connect to your potential client's struggle, makes them feel seen and heard, and offers them support, your copy can start the process of developing the therapeutic relationship.

04. Your Website Is Cluttered or Confusing

A website that is poorly designed, with poor navigation, outdated images or graphics, and a lack of white space, can affect how long a potential client stays on your site. A cluttered website is a huge deterrent and can leave your site visitors confused and frustrated.

The average site visitor is interacting with websites daily; they can recognize a well-designed site from a poorly designed site. A well-designed website is consistent with your brand and niche, is easily navigable, and designed strategically with conversion in mind.

There should be white space on your site to allow your content room to breathe. White space is relaxing to the eye and allows your site visitors to focus on the content.

Rather than including long paragraphs of text, cut down your paragraphs to highlight the most important, valuable information. The content on your site should be client-focused and intentional, creating a bridge between you and the potential client.

05. Your Site Feels Cold or Inauthentic

There is no other therapist just like you, with the mix of knowledge, experience, and voice you have. It's important that your website shares who you are as a therapist through your design, color palette, copy, and images.

An easy way to warm up your site is to include high-quality portraits of you smiling into the camera. To make your site feel cohesive and bright, implement a color strategy using modern color palettes and tones.

06. Your Website Isn’t Mobile Friendly

Almost 50% of traffic comes from mobile! Ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly means that the elements on your site, like images, text, and menus, are responsive so that users who access your website on their phone get the same experience as they would on a desktop computer.

Building a mobile-friendly website is made easier by website building platforms like Squarespace. Websites built on Squarespace will automatically conform to different screen sizes, rearranging your website content to retain the design components while being easy to read.

Grab our Site Audit Freebie to do a mini audit of your site. Find those conversion roadblocks and make some changes to optimize your site.

Don't have the time to optimize your site but want to start converting visitors into clients fast? Our Website in a Weekend package may be right for you. We can transform your site in one weekend so that you can start connecting with those dream clients and filling your practice. To learn more, click here.