Website Template vs Custom Website Design

Investing in a website for your practice can feel overwhelming.

Where do you start? What do you need to include on your site to connect with your potential clients? How do you get your site in front of the people you're wanting to help?

You're busy seeing clients, trying to fill your practice, attending to your family and friends, trying to hold space for your own boundaries and self-care, and all of the other things life throws at you.

Sometimes building your own website just doesn't fit into the mix.

So, if you don't have the time to build your own website from scratch, what are your options?

You can invest in a custom website design, you can invest in a pre-designed template, or you can invest in a template redesign.


01. Custom Website Design

Hiring a web designer to create a custom website for your practice is a great option if you have a specific vision for your website, you want additional pages added to your site like a course or membership service, or you want elevated design features, like accordion menus.

How Much Does a Custom Website Design Project Cost

Custom design projects range in cost from $1500 to $10 000, often averaging $6000.

If you've been in practice for several years and you have a clearly defined brand message and niche, a custom website may be the perfect choice for you to elevate your brand and convey your brand message to your potential clients.

This type of investment may not be the best choice for you if you're a brand new practice owner. If you're still figuring out who your ideal client is and you're unsure of what you want your practice's brand to look like 5 years from now, it might not be the best time to invest in a custom website.

How Does a Custom Website Design Project Work?

During a custom design project, the designer will listen to what you're looking for in a website and ask you questions or have you fill out questionnaires to gain a better understanding of your vision and your ideal client. The designer will check in with you to determine whether the color palette and wireframe design they have come up with is in line with what you're looking for. When they get the go-ahead, they will begin designing your site, all while you're able to focus on attending to your clients, your business, and the other areas in your life that need attention. 

The design process can take several weeks to several months, depending on the designer's personal designing timeframe. Some designers have a waitlist, so it's a good idea to reach out to designers a few months in advance of needing your site live. 

Who is a Custom Website Design Project the Best Fit For?

You have a clearly defined niche and brand message.

  • You're able to invest $1500+.

  • You don't have the time to complete the design process yourself.

If you're interested in investing in a custom website with Therapist Site Toolbox, you can learn more about it here.

02. Pre-Designed Website Template

Investing in a website template is a great option if you're looking for the perfect middle ground between DIYing your own site and investing in a custom website.

How Much Does a Pre-Designed Website Template Cost?

Professional pre-designed website templates range in cost from $200-$800. Investing in a pre-designed website template is a great option if you're looking for a professional website at an affordable cost and you're able to invest some time into customizing the template to suit your practice. 

A pre-designed website template often includes video tutorials or workbooks that walk you through the customization process and teach you the ins and outs of the platform the template is hosted on. On average, a pre-designed website template can be customized in under a week, but this depends on how much time you're able to set aside to work on the process. 

How Does a Pre-Designed Website Template Work?

The process can vary depending on what website platform the website template is for. 

Therapist Site Toolbox templates are designed on the Squarespace platform. After you choose a template and complete the checkout process, you will receive a PDF in your inbox that lets you know what the next steps are.

Within 12 hours of purchase, you will have access to the course for your template that includes 7 workbooks and over 100 minutes of closed-captioned video tutorials. While you're working your way through the first part of the process by completing your copy and branding, we'll be building out your template. Your brand new template, which will look identical to the demo that you purchased, will arrive in your inbox within 2 business days. 

Once you've been sent your website template, you can begin the process of customizing the graphics, copy, fonts and more to make the website completely your own. We provide customer support through the whole process and will be here for you if you run into any issues. 

Who is a Pre-Designed Website Template the Best Fit For?

  • You want to invest less than $1000 into your new website.

  • You're able to dedicate the time to customizing the template to suit your practice's brand.

  • You want to learn the ins and outs of the web design platform so that you can make necessary changes or additions to your website in the future.

We recommend investing in a pre-designed website template that is built with therapists in mind. Our website templates are designed to be strategic for therapists, including call-to-action buttons, a contact form, empathetic copy prompts, and web pages built for therapists. 


03. Template Redesign

Another option is to invest in having a template redesigned for you. This is a great option if you love one of our templates but don't have the time to customize the design yourself. Instead, we'll do that process for you.

We offer a Website in a Weekend package. This package involves us redesigning one of our templates over the course of a weekend so you can start work on Monday with a brand new site.

How Much Does a Redesigned Template Cost?

A template redesign with Therapist Site Toolbox is $2950 USD. This service allows you to add additional pages to your site, such as a shop or course. 

A template redesign includes a website template, 15 social media templates, 8 pages of customization, branding, website training, and SEO optimization. 

How Does a Template Redesign Work?

A template redesign is the middle ground between a pre-designed website template and a custom site. We'll customize the site for you by changing the colors, graphics, images, fonts, and redesign 15 social media graphics for your brand. The one element that will stay consistent in the redesign process is the layout of the template.

Similar to a custom website design, you will meet with the designer to talk about what you envision for your brand and who your dream client is. You will then begin to compile your content. During your chosen weekend, the designer will build out your template, resulting in a brand new website at the end of the weekend!

Who is a Redesigned Template the Best Fit For?

  • You love one of our templates but you don't have the time to do the customization process yourself.

  • You want additional functionalities added to your site like a shop or a course.

  • You want your website to look professional and modern, but donโ€™t feel ready to invest in a custom website.

If you are interested in the template redesign process, you can learn more about it here.

If you have any questions about these three different options, reach out to us and let's chat!


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